Tuesday, April 9, 2013

H is for Hydro

The creek that crosses the town is called Plapcea. It's just a feeble water thread on the surface and sometimes, in torrid summers it dries out completely. But in the spring months it's nice to watch the idle water finding its way through herbs and stones, nourishing the land and keeping it green.

I find it moderately active in spring, very inspiring in summer, very dull in autumn. That makes me wonder how can a single thing inspire different states at different times.

by the water stream
watching the white sand and herbs -
my dreams of summer

slowly running in,
my thoughts and the idle stream -
soft breeze wrapping me


  1. Lovely haiku and it's very nice to see the stream that inspired it.

  2. I don't know what it is about streams, but I've always found them inspiring. I think you managed to capture that inspiration quite nicely. :)

  3. A lovely haiku and stream. I've always wanted a little stream by my house. I love the sound of water.

  4. I could feel the lovely, cool breeze in your words. And the photos fortified that.

  5. I would be there all the time, taking photos.

  6. I like your haiku! I think the changing nature of a river is its greatest virtue. Very nice pics.

  7. That is a great spot, you truly captured the stream with your words.

  8. I think I could get a lot of writing done there. It looks so peaceful.

    Wonderful haiku!

  9. Lovely haiku that flows like the stream!


  10. The haiku is as beautiful as the stream. Amazing how water always brings a feeling of life.

  11. Lovely poem, and your pictures are gorgeous, I have listed your blog on my I post, have a blessed week!

    Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity
    Art Blog

  12. Must be very nice to have that creek nearby, and to follow how it keeps changing over the year. Water is so very special!

  13. Those are such lovely pictures.

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media

  14. Nice sentiments and serene photos.
    Fellow A to Z'er, Jagoda from http://www.conflicttango.com

  15. Lovely pictures and poetry!
    Hello from the A to Z Challenge. So nice to meet you:)I'm a new follower!

  16. Love the pictures and poetry. Which came first? :)

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog: kristenhead.blogspot.com

  17. Love the pictures. I grew up with a creek in my back yard (much bigger than the ones in the pictures) I've always loved running water because of it. That's probably also why water plays a huge part in my novels.
