dandelion fields
stirring imagination -
dubious riuns
mysteries hidden -
the pass of time will deepen
stories writing place -
playing with ghosts from the past,
rewriting the truth
After more than 2 decades fantasizing about the ruins and inventing stories, about 2 years ago I've researched it and I haven't found more than the name of the church and the year of the construction. So, my mind still creates scenaries and scenarios around it. I could imagine a ghotic novel around this mystery (1st draft almost ready - boxed in autumn - why haven't God offered me the gift of finishing up everything?)
April 20th - music/musical instrument
late-April evening -
cicada's sad violin
telling his story
Carpe Diem
April 20th - Abraham (wisdom)
halfway through his life,
contemplating what has been -
ready for future
his speech,
like never before -
a lesson