Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Faerie War, Creepy Hollow #3 Review

 My review

The Fearie War is the stunning and much awaited end of The Creepy Hollow series. I've been waiting for this book - breathless - ever since reading the last (shocking, surprising and original) page of the second book in the series, The Faerie Prince.

The book starts with Vi in a new setting, in an unusual frame of mind, troubled. Through this final book, V must learn who she is and rediscover herself as person after memory loss to help save her world. And she does. She grows. She has some (very) trying moments, but she fights to overcome them. She adapts. She evolves. She transforms.

And she's not the only one growing. Ryn, the love interest turns even more swoon-worthy - if you thought that impossible, you were wrong. The love story is amazing; a new perspective and a very trying and emotional road for both Ryn and V.

(Boy, did Rachel make her characters suffer to prove their love!)

The worldbuilding is amazing! The insight in the underground of the Creepy Hollow ads to the conflict and makes the final book of the series different from the first two books. We meet some new characters, we see the guardians after graduations, in unexpected circumstances.

Rachel surprises with each page. The Creepy Hollow series is one of the most original steries out there. Romance, action, humor and surprise after surprise will keep you guessing at the end. Yes, it's a happy ending, but a surprising one. 

Looking forward to reading Rachel's next book and see what other amazing story she makes us sigh over.
Purchase The Faerie War
Author Bio
Rachel Morgan author.jpgRachel Morgan was born in South Africa and spent a large portion of her childhood living in a fantasy land of her own making. After completing a degree in genetics, she decided science wasn’t for her—after all, they didn’t approve of made-up facts. These days she spends much of her time immersed in fantasy land once more, writing fiction for young adults.
When she isn't writing, she's reading (duh!), catching up on addictive TV series, and baking things that almost always include chocolate.

The Creepy Hollow Series

Rachel's Links
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for being part of the blog tour today!

    1. I'm happy to share my thoughts about your awesome writing skills and amzing story with others.

  2. Nice review and great makeover too at your zoo.

  3. This sounds like a fantastic book! Thanks for reviewing it. :)

  4. Rachel been getting a lot of good support for her new release. I wish her well!

    Check out my interview with viral blogger Liza Long
    Tossing It Out

  5. I am excited to read more books by this author.
