I've joined NaHaiWriMo to learn discipline in writing through something that I love: haiku.
So, in February I'll be writing a haiku per day. I already write more than 30 haiku per month, but I lack disciplice - I don't work every day. I hope that by entering this challenge I'll force myself to change that.
I decided to try NaHaiWriMo because it doesn't require only to post daily, but write daily. Posting on a schedule - not a problem, I've done that before, after having my posts written in advance. But now, through NaHaiWriMo I'm trying to learn to write daily.
If I promise to myself to write every day for 30 days, there is a big chance that I won't respect my promise - I won't be failing anyone but me and nobody would know - or that I'd cheat and skip some days.
By entering a public competition people will know if I gave up. So, giving up won't be an option anymore. At the end of February I'll let you know how it feels to accomplish something you wanted for a long time - giving up isn't an option anymore.