Friday, January 27, 2012

A short break

I've been caught in too many activities: job, translations, writing, more work for my job so I've been missing for a while. I'll be back in two weeks, with some new poems and photos!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Gand de ianuarie

Privesc strada in lumina felinarelor si ascult sunetele orasului. Cred ca orasul are o viata a lui, iar noi, oamenii, prea rar ne dam seama de asta. Cred ca orasului i-ar sta mai bine in alb. Asta e culoarea sezonului. Ar trebui s-o poarte. Cred ca si orasul isi doreste sa-si puna mantaua alba. Dar vad ca intarzaie. Astept ca orasul meu sa se imbrace in alb.Apoi, ma voi imbraca bine si voi iesi sa vorbesc cu strazile, sub felinare.

PS. Nu sunt nebuna. Inca.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

In the graveyard of feelings

I’m hiding among shadows and ghosts
In the graveyard of feelings,
Eager to win a new outpost,
Searching the dead, ignoring the living.

Driven by fears, forgotten by everybody,
Waiting for someone to untie my rope...
I’m waiting... but there’s nobody
Willing to help me or ready to cope!

I’m waiting near a bottle of venom,
Tempted to drink it
Because anywhere, so often,
I feel I don’t belong, I feel I don’t fit.

Oh, there’s no chance to change the odds!
And there’s no time for another strategy!
The world is full of cowards
And one of them... is... me!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

About 2011 and 2012

2011 was a good year: 

I rediscovered my love for intense reading and I started making time for this. I reconnected with my passion for writing prose, because for long years I wrote only poetry and I had forgotten about the pleasure you have while writing stories. I've got published both in Romanian and English and I started writing daily, in order to "re-gain" my ability to express literary. It was a little difficult to get rid of my poetic style, full of metaphors and adjectives but I think I'm on the right track.

It is a while since I paid attention to my hobbies and abilities because lately I've been caught in activities that didn't represent me. But 2011 brought a balance between "must" and "wish" and 2012 will be the year I'll test myself.

During the past year I redescovered my creative self, my party self, my funny side. 

So, after such a good year, I think I'm going to be even better. 
For 2012 I have big plans, I have great expectations and I found the power to accomplish my plans. This year I'm going to insist on publishing more, because I've just discovered that my English poetry is more appreciated than my mother tongue poetry, which makes me hope I'll publish more, now that I want to publish.

During this year I want to publish some of my English and Romanian poetries and some shorts I have under revision now.
I have a resolution for this year and I hope I'll be able to check every single item on my TO DO list.
We shall see at the end of this year.

I wish you all a Happy, productive New Year!